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pi in quilting

i used pi in a real life situation this week!
well- a real life quilting situation.
we just finished week 4 of a my 6 week quilting class.
it's been a blast- but a lot to stay ahead of 10 students every week including coming up with blocks, making samples, writing instructions, cutting kits, and then teaching twice a week...
i've never liked math, and i still don't. but it was cool to actually use pi for something real...
as for the quilt, i'm so excited to see the end! it's the first quilt i have drafted completely out of my head, it's a sampler quilt (not my usual thing) and there will be 11 of these floating around town when our class is finished! (that is if all my students finish their homework!)


stacia said...

first of all...so wish i was closer to take a quilting class... that is really cool. second of all, it took me til the end of your post to realize you were talking about pi not a PI (private investigator...) hahaha. i wasn't getting it... duh!

Erika Mulvenna said...

That class looks like SO much fun! Love your colorful blocks.

And yes, Pi is totally cool, even in quilting!

Andra Ingebretsen said...

Sarah, I am seriously in awe! I cannot believe what beautiful, darling, creative abilities you have. I am just absolutely in love with what you do. I LOVE all the fun fabrics and color you use. I am crushed on your taste all over again. Just like when I met you and you wore that darling skirt with the flower and then you made me one. I came across your blog through Alicias. I rarely check blogs. So I am really happy tonight I came across yours. So fun and cool that you have such a hobby.