you'll need:
1/4" plywood cut to about 7"x10"
1" wide decorative trim
6 bottlecaps
1/2" finishing nails
cut the trim into 3- 5 1/2" pieces, and 4- 10" pieces.
paint 1 5 1/2" piece white, and the other 2 red. then paint 2 each of the 10" pieces red and white.
paint the piece of plywood blue. (i used spray paint since it's fast, but any paint will work) nail all the pieces onto the plywood, and there you go! you can change the dimensions and stripes to fit any trim you want to use. i know it may sound complicated, but really it's so easy, you might want to make a few for your friends too.

I love my flag-it's so cute! Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is sad, but it' my first "real" 4th of July decoration!
Well I want to make one of these still. I don't know where I was when you made these, but I remember you collecting bottle caps, and whenever I see one I think of this flag-although the only ones I see lying around here are from beer...love this flag! I will make one someday.
way cute still sara and what a nice friend you are! sharla - you should be picking those up! sara lives where you can actually get away with beer ones without being judged!! ha! i love my flag and have come across some very nostalgic bottle caps as of late... although i paid a pretty penny to get bottled dr. pepper shipped to me... totally worth it!
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