i grew up in a house with a fabulous cheese slicer. anyone in my family will agree this was a cheese slicer worth it's weight in gold. now i understand why my mom would buy the twelve pound block of orange cheese; you know the one--napoleon's cheese... you'd want to slice all day if you had such a great tool. ahh... the memories of triple layered nachoes, perfect thickness cheese tortillas (aka quesadillas), and the cheese layer in the lasagna couldn't be beat. the slicer just sliced great cheese. you never got the chunks breaking off the block, the slices were equally and perfectly thick every time and it required very little effort on the user's part.
I totally agree with you. I have looked everywhere for a good cheese slicer like my mom's. I don't think they make them anymore. Your blog is so entertaining! I love it!!!
I was just telling my friend the other day that the cheese slicer is one of the utensils I just have to have in my kitchen. Making lots of grilled cheese sandwiches would be a nightmare without it.
Andy and I have been searching for a cheese slicer like Mom's and can't find one ANYWHERE! Let me know if you ever find a good one.
i have that same slicer...after like 8 years of marriage and many cheese slicers, you led me to THE one! oh, it is also an art to slice cheese. i always laugh when someone new is trying to use the cheese slicer at my house and just can't figure it out...
oh and suzana, we got them at consider the kitchen in provo... right, sara?
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