have you checked out the shop lately? there's lots of fun new items over there. here are a few samples in case you can't click here or here or here to go there.
p.s. could someobdy please tell me how to do a normal layout with blogger????
updated: i didn't like how this layout was working in internet explorer, then i looked at it in firefox and it looks even worse! the pictures are all over each other (yes, in that way!) sheesh!

ummm. i want one of everything. how do you think of this stuff? your shop is every single bit as cute...well cuter, than you know who's. i love it.
more stuff for me to spend money on! ....what do you mean by a normal layout??? email me if you need to.
if it makes you feel any better, it looks normal on my computer...
Hey- do you still make the felt flowers? bc I'd totally order another one if you did.
ok sara! you are so talented it makes me sick! I LOVE your stuff and want to order some things. miss you
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