around new year's i set a goal to clean up all my lists of books. i have lists everywhere. on
amazon, on
kcls, on my kitchen counter, in
good reads, in my purse. you get the idea. one problem i was running into with all these lists was multiples. i have purchased books, put them on my shelf, then checked the same book out from the library only to remember i already own it. duh. one way i plan to fix this is by keeping track of and reviewing books. i had to do it as part of my job when i was a librarian and i loved it. so here goes. oh, and of course these are all craft-related books. every trip to the library is a fight between the 600/700s and the childrens section. the loudest person always wins. i'm sure you can guess who that would be.

this past week i checked The Prairie Girl's Guide To Life out at the library. it's a small, cute book you could read in an afternoon. actually, i thought it was adorable. it was just like going back to my little house on the prairie books and getting first hand lessons on quilting bees, baking pies, embroidery, making soap, etc. it's obvious i like things a little old-fashioned and this book was just that. i felt like the author even kept to the spirit of the book in how she illustrated it- no photography, just drawings. even though i probably wouldn't get this book out next time i'm looking for a recipe, it was fun to read and step back in time. have a great weekend!
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