today macy discovered this dress in the sewing room closet and insisted on wearing it. i told her it was my dress because grandma cathy made it for me when i was little. her reply was, "gramma cathy made a new dress for me? oh thank you!" so of course i had to take pictures of her in it.

i actually remember wearing this dress to miss ginger's preschool class when i was probably 4. i loved that it had an apron and thought it so appropriate to play kitchen in. i also remember that i always thought the pocket was too small to put things in. and macy discovered the same thing quickly! there's even a little tear above the pocket that my mom patched- probably from me trying to stuff the pocket.

it's funny how much i remember about this dress. there are lots of dresses i wore as a little girl that i will always remember little details about- the way the skirt twirled, the tightness on my arm, the zipper that got stuck, the collar i loved or hated. for each memory i can still picture each dress- all handmade by my mom.

and while clothes can seem so superficial at the same time they can be so meaningful. we probably all remember what we wore on certain special days of our lives. at only two macy insists on wearing a dress or a skirt every day. it's so fun to see how a different outfit can transform her mood or encourage her creative play.

people often ask me why i like to put aprons on so many of the dresses i make and i didn't always know, but i think it might have something to do with wearing one as a little girl on this little dress and the feelings associated with it.
It's a lovely dress indeed! I understand what you say about clothes and memories :) they are even more meaningful if they have been made by someone you love!
cute. i totally remember that dress. i recall wearing it too, though it was originally made for you. :)
I remember all you girls in dresses like that. Your mom always made the cutest stuff for your guys! Its adorable on Macy!
Wow, what a treasure to have. I remember having a very similar dress. It was pink with a white apron and on the apron was the cutest little mouse. I remember wearing it on the first day of kindergarten. Someone made it for me, either my mom or grandmother. I don't remember, but I would do almost anything to have it today.
I love aprons as well! I have four hanging up in my kitchen and at least 4 more in the drawers.! I make them for my daughters friends for birthday presents and for my younger daughters b day we are having a "little house on the prarie" party and I am making aprons for all the little girls...I love my grandmothers and your right I believe it is the feelings associated with them! I lvoe the dress ADORABLE!
so cute. i'm pretty sure that dress is the reason you are so talented and can do all domestic things better than me... mom never made me an apron dress. it's her fault. ha! i love that you have that dress and it is so cute on macy... really, could she be any cuter??
So cute!
You bringing this up has made me realize why my favorite dress of Ellie's is my favorite on her. It's because it reminds me of my favorite dress when I was 4 years old. Thanks!
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