baby quilts are a good thing. everyone needs a baby quilt. the memories associated with babies can only be made sweeter with a quilt. my great grandma made quilts for almost every baby she knew until she passed away at age 99. i have the quilt she made for me when i was born and just love to look at it and think about each stitch and how she worked so hard at it. she probably chose the fabric carefully and matched each corner, then hand quilted it for hours on end. a handmade quilt is more than a blanket, especially when made for a baby. i just finished this one today for a sweet friend michelle. i met michelle through e

tsy. she lives in canada and is due to have her first girl (after two boys) in december. i can't take the credit for this quilt as it was all michelle's idea. i made up this pattern when i made macy a quilt to go with her new doll bed, then made a couple more for the
shop. michelle came up with the sweet idea of mixing pinks, reds, and linen with cream. she chose the binding, the backing, and the sizes of squares. although michelle didn't make the quilt, i think she spent put just as much love and thought into it as my great grandmother would. this quilt will be off to canada soon to welcome michelle's new baby! what could be sweeter than bringing home your new baby in a cuddly quilt? that's a good thing.
This is gorgeous. Better than I imagined. I can't thank you enough and I look forward to holding in my hands! You are awesome!
Sara! You're my quilting hero...well actually any sort of craft hero! This might be a really stupid question but how do you do the white parts in between the four squares? Keep up the beautiful work.
So I feel bad because I started a quilt for Landon last year and never finished and now I have Tanner and he has no quilt either....what should I do? Want to help me catch up on my baby quilts?
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